Tuesday, June 29, 2004

President? Me???

I've had guests in town since June 2nd. That's 27 days. They're here until July 6th. And, I have to say all of this B&B type activity can be tiring!

My guests are my mother-in-law and her best friend. We have plenty of bedrooms and space, so it's no problem, but it is really odd having people around when I'm not used to it. Plus, I'm pretty fussy, so I don't really want them loading the dishwasher or using the washing machine, so their efforts to help are limited (when they do help, it frequently ends up being even more work for me).

Today, we headed off at about 12:30 to drop off a collection of junk (stuffed animals, one poster, and a casette recorder) at the Seattle Choral Company for the annual Rummage Sale. Fred, the director, pulled me aside to talk for a few minutes. It turns out that the current membership president has recommended me to take over as membership president.


So, first of all, I've barely talked to the current MP. I had no idea she even really knows who I am. Next, I wouldn't say that I've been the most gung ho member of the choir - I'm not a section leader or anything.


I'm thinking, given that I'm currently unemployed, this might be a good thing for me to do. It would be an opportunity to lead others (which always looks good on a resume). In addition, it would be a good networking opportunity when and if I ever decide what it is I should be doing.

So, I'm thinking about it.

We spent the day in Ballard. Ballard's hard to describe. It's scandanavian in origin, but has lots of cute little shops and such. We had a great time, and then fought the traffic home.



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