Monday, June 28, 2004

"They" say I should write...

so, I am. A majority of the time, when I tell a friend, relative, or acquaintance that I'm searching for my passion, they tell me to write. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be writing, but I thought I'd start here.

It's a terrible thing not knowing what your passion is. There are, of course, many wonderful things about life - but the question is is there anything I could spend hours doing and be happy about it?

Moreover, can I make money at it?

In any case, it's late. And if there is one thing I can do for hours, it's sleep. I *love* a good sleep. I've read many famous & productive people who say that sleep is a waste of time - but sometimes I feel more productive in dreams than I do in my waking life.

So, it's off to bed. Perchance to dream.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I thought about an MLS at one time. I always thought I was far too noisy to be a librarian. Plus, I don't wear my glasses on a chain round my neck!

If only librarians made money.